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Skidmore College

Skidmore 堆肥

火博体育堆肥是一个学生经营的堆肥项目,为校园宿舍提供服务 and academic spaces through the academic year. With more than 600 students living 在公寓村和另外700个学生宿舍,我们可以转移 a large amount of food waste from the landfill. Since 2011, the program has diverted 超过10万磅的食物垃圾从垃圾填埋场,同时防止有害的温室气体 gas emissions. The compost created by the program is donated to the Skidmore Community 在花园里,它被用来肥沃土壤,促进健康,新鲜, organic vegetables.

As of Spring '24, the following academic spaces have blue compost bucket stations. All are serviced weekly. Please email with questions or concerns.

  • Zankel Lobby
  • Advancement Kitchenette
  • The Surrey
  • CIS 2nd floor by ESS Dept.
  • CIS 1st floor Glotzbach Atrium
  • Annex Lobby
  • Filene 2nd floor by MDOCs
  • Case Post office
  • Ladd by Poli Sci Dept.
  • Tisch by History Dept.
  • Library 1st Floor Vending Room
  • Sports Center Lobby
  • Saisslan Entrance

两名学生堆肥经理在整个学年的周五都会举办工作派对. 在这些工作聚会上,志愿者将帮助收集我们自行车拖车上的蓝色垃圾箱, turn and aerate foodwaste with shovels, and return the blue bins. 志愿者s should 穿结实的、容易弄脏的鞋子,带一个水瓶,多穿几层衣服 it is cold outside. Gloves and tools are provided.

Please RSVP to 如果你对贷款感兴趣,参加一个工作聚会,或者如果你想做志愿者 in another capacity.

FOR APARTMENT RESIDENTS: 我们的“后院式”垃圾箱收集系统适用于蔬菜垃圾和蛋壳. 我们所做的 indeed take avocado pits, pasta, coffee grounds, pumpkins and squash. 我们所做的 不要接受肉类、奶酪、骨头或可生物降解的塑料,因为这些不会破裂 down in a timely way in our system.

Acceptable Apartment 堆肥 Material

FOR RESIDENCE HALLS, ACADEMIC BUILDINGS, AND CATERED EVENTS: 学院与一个工业堆肥者合作,他们可以接受包括在内的所有东西 加上动物产品和可堆肥产品,这对餐饮至关重要 Hall operations and events. Animal products and compostable wares (often made from 纸,糖或玉米)需要比后院风格的垃圾箱更高的温度才能破碎 down, remain sanitary, and yield a clean finished compost. Some of this compost is 拖到 Bethlehem, NY.

An estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted globally each year, despite the fact 那 690 million people are food insecure worldwide. Whether food is wasted because it wasn’t sold 在商店里或晚饭后留在盘子里,这些残羹剩饭注定要被填埋, where they will produce methane—a harmful gas to humans and the environment alike. 这些垃圾填埋场并不是真空存在的,它们通常位于低收入、 BIPOC社区,不成比例地将边缘化人群置于不愉快的风险之中 and harmful effects of landfills. These communities experience higher levels of heavy 交通拥堵,充满“有毒气味和有毒气体”的空气,以及噪音污染 (NCEJN). Methane emissions also contribute to climate change, which disproportionately 通过“(a)增加对弱势群体的接触,影响边缘化社区 groups to the adverse effects of climate change; (b) increase in their susceptibility to damage caused by climate change; and (c) decrease in their ability to cope and recover from the damage suffered” (Islam and Winkel, 2017). The effects of climate change also put a much higher burden on developing nations 过度发达国家,尽管后者对气候变化的贡献呈指数级增长 higher rates. 

除了减少食物浪费,或与之相结合,最有效的解决办法是 this issue is composting. By composting, we are taking wasted food and turning it 进入营养丰富的土壤,然后可以用于农场和花园,而不是发送 it to landfills. By composting, the water, energy, land, labour, and capital resources 那 were used to make the food are not all lost, but rather repurposed. 这不是 它不仅帮助了土壤的最终归宿,还提供了一个更可持续的解决方案 to waste and lessens the burden on marginalized communities. 

At Skidmore College, we make composting the easiest it will ever be. All you have 你要做的就是把你的食物垃圾放在我们提供给你的袋子里,然后把它送到蓝色的地方 bins outside of the laundry rooms—your compost managers take care of the rest. 之前 把你的食物残渣或未使用的农产品扔进垃圾桶,记住后果 your actions. In composting, we are fighting for racial justice.




The campus composting program started as a student capstone project. Students explored 对经济和环境的成本和效益进行了全面的、制度性的分析 composting system. The project proposed 那 the the system would collect and compost 食物残渣、草坪维护的副产品和火博体育马厩的马粪. The promising project was later adopted by students. Together, they wrote a proposal for a pilot program in the Northwoods Village Apartments. After receiving approval, 学生领导小组和环境行动社(EAC)采纳了这个计划 and began collecting compost in the spring of 2011.


火博体育堆肥收集的第一学期很成功,但学生们 knew improvements could be made. Using feedback from apartment residents, student volunteers made several improvements to the compost program. Students gave residents 新桶,提供了更多火博体育正确堆肥实践的教育机会 and made changes to make the program more efficient. Once again, students surveyed the Northwoods residents to analyze the effectiveness of the program.


2012-13学年为火博体育堆肥项目带来了许多改进. For the first time, Sustainable Skidmore hired two student compost managers. 在那里 学生的志愿服务和对火博体育的普遍认识有显著增加吗 堆肥项目有了新的学生领导,使该项目得以扩大 reach on campus and make improvements to the program. Students began collecting compost 从带自行车和拖车的公寓,减少我们对化石燃料的依赖 车辆. The group also partnered with Skidmore Dining Services and began collecting coffee grounds from the dining hall and all three campus cafés.


Skidmore 堆肥 continues to expand. A new biodegradable bag program is being used 在Northwoods公寓内,帮助改善该项目的清洁度 apartment residents. We are also moving beyond simply servicing the Northwoods Village. Now, Skidmore 堆肥 offers educational events 那 teach students how to reduce the amount of waste they create. Although it is important to compost food waste, it is more important to find ways to minimize waste in general. Skidmore 堆肥 has 提供食物准备研讨会,教大家如何正确切蔬菜,这样 edible parts are not wasted, and how to properly store foods so they last longer.


经过多年的规划,火博体育堆肥扩大了其业务规模 composting program at a property about 1-mile from campus. The new larger-scale program 堆肥来自马厩的马粪,土地和地面碎片,还有咖啡渣 from all of our on-campus dining locations. The compost created at this site is used 在校园的园景床上,以减少我们对化石燃料肥料的依赖. 学生们被训练来操作我们使用的拖拉机管理材料 delivered to the site and turn our windrows.  Our on-campus compost program continues to manage food waste from our apartment villages.


In 2017, Skidmore launched a pilot composting program in the Murray-Aikins Dining 大厅转移食物残渣和剩余食物(不能捐赠给我们当地社区) from entering the waste stream. After a successful pilot program, we implemented a permanent program in the summer of 2018. We are currently composting around 10,000 pounds of food scraps each month thanks to a partnership with Natural Upcycling. 鉴于 获得大规模堆肥,环境行动俱乐部协调堆肥收集 at Fun Day 2017, avoiding hundreds of pounds of landfill-bound waste.


For years Dining Services has collected surplus food from the Muray-Aikins Dining Hall and donated it to the local soup kitchen and senior center. A student club, Feedmore, manages food collection and donation through the academic year. In 2018, they began 对每周捐赠的食物进行称重,他们的库存显示有3000多磅 of surplus food were donated through the academic year alone.


学生堆肥项目为团队的新成员——电动汽车——争取到了资金 自行车! This 自行车 helps our team navigate the hills of Skidmore's campus with compost 拖着.

In the Spring, EAC and the Sustainability 办公室 partnered to pilot composting in Residence Halls, starting with Wiecking Hall alone. The program continued to expand to all other Residences, with one bucket in the 1st floor kitchen of each building.

遗憾的是,我们的校外网站在不久的将来被搁置了 不可逾越的挑战,不平衡的碳氮比延迟及时分解,水 access, and the crushed stone site substrate infiltrating the compost blend.


Starting in 2022, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 食物 Donation and 食物 Scraps Recycling Law “需要 企业和机构平均每年生产两吨或更多的食物 waste per week to: Donate excess edible food; and recycle all remaining food scraps if they are within 25 miles of an organics recycler." Skidmore began reporting this 年,并将收集范围扩大到食堂的消费后食物残渣.